***No plot available***
User Comments:
Bizarre horror with lots of scorpion attacks!
'Red Spell Spells Red', whatever that's supposed to mean, begins in the past where a masked dwarf sorcerer (the actor doesn't' seem to be suffering from dwarfism at all!?) is practicing magic that makes a gold figure flow in the air and such. Suddenly he is surrounded by four do-good'rs with negro mask's on! After a lot of crazy fighting dubbed with weird child-laughter, the intruders finally stab the evil sorcerer and force him down huge clay jay for good. Or that's what they thought. Years later the peace is broken as a TV-crew who, despite warnings, visits the cave to shoot a documentary about magic in the ancient China. The find the jar unaware of it's secret and as they open it the dark room is filled with pink smoke! The crew split, some take home to edit the footage and the rest, including the pretty speaker-girl, stay in the local village. On the version I saw of 'Red Spell Spells Red' the subs were often unreadable so I am not sure if I have understood all of it correctly. But many strange horrors
start to happen in the village. Some of the crew members are killed in various gory ways by invisible forces! And the small community is suddenly under constant attack of scorpions! A grave paranoia spreads and leads to lots of sacrifices and pursuit of the foreigners. There is a good doze of animal-killings, scorpions are stomped on, pigs are throat-sliced and there is a cock-fight too, enough to turn off some viewers. There is also some fairly well-crafted special effects though. At each scene the movie turn a little more bizarre. It shows that it actually is the speaker-girl who unwilling gives birth to the scorpion-swarms from a wound in her side! The released spirit of the dwarf sorcerer not only kills, but are also able to possess peoples minds, even through are not only able to possess people and make them killing-machines, he can also possess the TV-studio's equipment through the footage he accidentally was caught on! Only another sorcerer, a skull and some Shaolin monks can save the world again!
Ghost story, possession, animal attack and body-horror wrapped in one!? A hefty cocktail I must say! The typical Asian slapstick and the romance elements doesn't' make it all less strange! Is the director a talentless nutball or did he know exactly what he were doing? That's one thing I though about while watching 'Red Spell Spells Red'. He has definitely hit the head of the nail somehow. It is hard to explain. If you, like Me, get your kicks on bizarre trash cinema and far-out Hong Kong horror in general, this is a recommended view.
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